I've submitted my Victory Goals website for review to my co-MPAM members who are expert webmasters. I was so delighted by their complements and constructive reviews. I really want thank these guys for giving their time FREE to review my site.
Obviously there are still some areas for improvement. At this time I have already worked on some comments and still working on to improve the site.
These review will serve as my benchmark for Victory Goals site. My Goal,...to make it better!

Luisa Salcedo
Diamond ID #1214568
Reviews Team Leader
http://www.LotsMoreHosting.com - Professional Web Hosting
Posted - Apr 06 2006 : 23:29:26
We will review from today, until 8 April. We welcome all members to participate and provide suggestions and recommendations for this memmber, on how to improve his site.
Jennifer Herold, Diamond MPAM # 363694
MPAM Project Manager/KMPAM Stationmistress
**Happiness comes through doors you never knew you left open.
Posted - Apr 08 2006 : 18:26:45
Overall, this is a nice site. You've done a very good job incorporating Google, Amazon, etc. on your main page. I love the header and the way you set up your navigation under it. Looks good! and...there's no really nice way to say this but..please get rid of the dancing man!!! He's annoying! (and it looks unprofessional in my opinion)
I noticed a few typos so be sure you go back over your content. Great job on having your articles open in new window. You should make sure the fonts are the same, however, for consistency. I tend to like Verdana or Arial but that's my preference.
Your blog looks great! Well done there.
In your sitemap, you should list each article separately, and not just to your articles page. I think this will speed up the spidering.
That's all I can think of you might want to improve upon.
Nice Job Victorio!
Chris Houg
MPAM Diamond - 901027
CashHosters Admin
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Posted - Apr 09 2006 : 02:39:29
I agree, it's a good looking site so I'll be a bit nitpicky...
On the main page, I think the banner above the Article of the Week should be centered, not it's showing as left justified.
Your menu is hard to find, the gray background makes the darker blue text hard to find. You should pick a lighter color with a darker text so it stands out more. Also, the font is different, I believe you use Verdanna throughout the page, the menu should be Verdanna also. Same with the font under the pict of Thomas Jefferson.
The top left column that starts out with "Goal 2006:" has a font size of 2. I personally think this is a good size font for the whole page, with the various Titles being a tad larger to stand out better.
The article's page should be using the verdanna font also like the menu on the left.
If you created your site from one of the templates from the Member's Lounge, you should leave the copyright in place at the bottom and not modifiy remove/modify it. Adding to it would be fine, but, not taking all the credit for other people's work. If you made it on your own, then just ignore this.
The links page is off site and really should be a page hosted on your site. Make sure all offsite links open in a new window. That way when a visitor closes the links page window, your site is still there.

Diamond Member 500767
Posted - Apr 09 2006 : 07:20:22
I'm afraid I found this a bit confusing because the Home page doesn't use the same structure as the Articles page which doesn't use the same structure or template as the individual article pages. I began to wonder if I was still on the same website. Some consistency throughout would be good. That goes for fonts too, which are different on Home and articles.
I found the Home page rather "busy" with all those banners and buttons plus that very long article by someone other than you. I would prefer to see an introduction about why this is your niche, what interests you about it, what made you develop a website on the subject, etc. with the existing article on its own articles page.
I didn't see any Adsense on the individual articles pages and I would like to see a menu at the top as well as the top banner being centred.
All the ingredients are there - they just need a bit of tidying up and you'll have a great site.
Luisa Salcedo
Luisa Salcedo
Diamond ID #1214568
Reviews Team Leader
http://www.LotsMoreHosting.com - Professional Web Hosting
Posted - Apr 09 2006 : 11:05:11
I Agree with Liz on this one: it is a busy main page, and thus, a little confusing or overwhelming on the senses. I was not finding the menu right away, and then I figured it was at the top, thought not very visible. Try using a different background and font color to catch the eye’s attention right away.
I noticed nobody mentioned the very large pictures on the site. On the main page, the pic of Tony Dorsett looks very grainy, and definitely does not need to be so large. It is somewhat of a distraction, rather than an attraction. Your Adland Pro in the articles page has some very large pics that take over most of your page, which is very unnecessary. You can tone down the ads and it will look much better, plus it will give you more opportunities for narrative and content.
Same with the additional pages, the menus were hard to find. As Liz noted, there is no consistency to the set-up, so you make your visitor struggle to find its way around the website. If you use one template, it will make it simpler not jus for you, but for your visitors as well.
You obviously have a lot to say, so I’d trim down on the ads a little to give you a chance to ad to your content. It is a good subject, so I’m sure you’re not short of a narrative that can actually ad to your site. I’d like to know more about you, what your goals are for the site, what you can offer your visitors. I can find out about the gurus in many other ways on my own, so I’d rather know about what you can offer, and who you are.
There is a lot of potential for your site, so I’m glad you submitted for review. A little discipline and consistency will take you a long way, with a subject that can be so prolific.
This is a good start, so we hope you can use these comments and suggestions, and that they serve you well.
Diamond id 206837
R&D and KMPAM Team Member
Welcome to Maggies world
Posted - Apr 09 2006 : 12:08:03
Hi Vic,
Well, I do not comment very often, because I am not among the experts, yet
I am sure you have already got all the suggestions that you need to make your page even nicer.
I just wanted to say that I like your page very much.
It was a fresh different look to what we are used to, so well done
and good luck.
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